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Solving dadagram

Dadagram came up a few days ago.

This is like a 1-dimensional, 1-step Scrabble : you only have to find the best word given 7 letters and a board layout, where each letter has a score than can be increased by the multiplier on the cell it lays on.

This is of course very easy to brute force. It’s also very fast.

Yes, it kills the game, but I don’t care. It’s much more fun for me to play Dadagram like this, by solving it once and for all.

Here is my code. It’s not clever, but I think it’s interesting anyway since:

# Solve Dadagram
# python --letters "FNISDEE" --multipliers "3131112" --nb_solutions 3

from wordlist import wordlist, scores
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Set, Dict
from itertools import combinations
import pprint as pp
import click

def score(word: List[str], multipliers: List[int]) -> int:
    Computs the score of a word on a board with multipliers
    # POINTS = {'V': 4,'R': 1,'B': 3,'U': 1,'E': 1,'O': 1,'T': 1,…}
    return sum([scores[l] * multipliers[i] for i, l in enumerate(list(word))])

def valid_words_and_mapping(wordlist: List[str]):
    """Sort the word list, build a mapping between the sorted letters and the
    possible words"""
    valid_words = sorted([sorted(w) for w in wordlist])
    mapping = defaultdict(list)
    for w in wordlist:
    return valid_words, mapping

def search_possible_words(letters: List[str], valid_words) -> Set[str]:
    Generate all 6-letter words given the input letters,
    return those that exist in the dictionnary
    possible_solutions = set()
    curr_length = len(letters)

    while curr_length >= 1:
        for w6 in combinations(letters, curr_length):
            w6 = sorted(w6)
            if w6 in valid_words:
        curr_length -= 1
    return possible_solutions

def score_possible_solutions(
    possible_solutions: Set[str], mapping, multipliers
) -> Dict[str, int]:
    words_and_points = {}
    for p in possible_solutions:
        for word in mapping[p]:
            words_and_points[word] = score(word, multipliers)
    return words_and_points

from collections import OrderedDict

def get_top_words(words_and_points, n=10):
    Get top n words by score.

    Returns a dictionary or an `OrderedDict` if `order` is true.
    top = sorted(words_and_points.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:n]
    return OrderedDict(top)

def tabulate(data):
    widths = [[len(w), len(str(score))] for w, score in data.items()]

    max_width_w = 2 + max([word_w for (word_w, score_w) in widths])
    max_width_s = 2 + max([score_w for (word_w, score_w) in widths])

    for index, (word, score) in enumerate(data.items()):
        score = str(score)
        lw = word.ljust(max_width_w)
        cs =

@click.option('--letters', default="VRBUEOT", help='The letters you want to want words with.')
@click.option('--multipliers', default="1311213")
@click.option('--nb_solutions', default=15)
def main(letters, multipliers, nb_solutions=15):
    multipliers = list(map(int, list(multipliers)))
    valid_words, mapping = valid_words_and_mapping(wordlist)
    possible_solutions = search_possible_words(sorted(letters), valid_words)
    words_and_points = score_possible_solutions(
        possible_solutions, mapping, multipliers

    best_word = max(words_and_points, key=words_and_points.get)
    print("Best solution:")
    print(best_word, words_and_points[best_word])

    print(f"\nTop {nb_solutions} solutions:")
    best_words = get_top_words(words_and_points, nb_solutions)
    # simple alternative: pp.pprint(best_words)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # python --letters "VRBUEOT" --multipliers "1311213"
    # python --letters "FNISDEE" --multipliers "3131112" --nb_solutions 3
    # Best solution:
    # DEFINES 24
    # Top 3 solutions:
    # DEFINES  | 24 
    # DEFIES   | 22 
    # INFEEDS  | 22 

You’ll also need for some external data:

# from view-source:
boards = ["1111123", "1111223", "1111332"]
scores = {'A': 1,'B': 3,'C': 3,'D': 2,'E': 1,'F': 4,'G': 2,'H': 4,'I': 1,'J': 8,'K': 5,'L': 1,'M': 3,'N': 1,'O': 1,'P': 3,'Q': 8,'R': 1,'S': 1,'T': 1,'U': 1,'V': 4,'W': 4,'X': 8,'Y': 4,'Z': 8};

# from
wordlist = [

and requirements.txt:


Then, you can install the dependencies in a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

and run the code:

python --letters "FNISDEE" --multipliers "3131112" --nb_solutions 3